Welcome to my Portfolio

My name is Mathias Fortuna and I am a Full Stack Developer with a master's degree in Mechanical Engineering.

I am a technology enthusiast, tinkering around with every piece of tech I have laying around. I’m that friend you call when your computer/phone/car isn’t working 😄.

In my free time I like to go to the mountains, take pictures, make videos and work on my projects. I’m also very interested into motorsport and fluid simulation.

⬇️ If you want to see my projects scroll down for my timeline! ⬇️

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This was a tech challenge by Carto, where I had to learn how to manage GeoJSONs and tested a couple of map libraries to render a map with data.

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Welcome to WaveApp, a platform for music creators and music enthusiasts! This app is a Spotify/SoundCloud inspired app, were any user can share his own music and listen to others songs. This project uses React, Redux, NodeJS, MongoDB, MySQL, Jest, Firebase, CI/CD, Laravel (PHP), and more. I invite you to create an user (its faster with Google) and test if by yourself!

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MERN Full Stack eCommerce

This was our first full stack project. We chose to use the MERN stack (MongoDB, Express.js, React.js, Node.js). The application is an Camera eCommerce where a client has to register to make a purchase. Firebase was implemented for the clients authentication. There is also an administrators web to make a full CRUD of products and employees. We had little to no time to make everything better but clean code was prioritized.

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MovieDB CLI with Node.js

The objective was to develop a CLI program developed with Node.js that you will be able to run using a terminal application. The program will have to connect to a third-party API to show the data returned and store it in the local system. There is an interactive interface and a full command style interface. The main libraries used where: commander, chalk, inquirer, ora and dotENV

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PHP Employee Management V2

In this case we had to refactor a project made by another team to implement a MySQL database, the MVC pattern and Object Oriented Programming (OOP). Also to implement jsGrid library for a dynamic table with ajax requests. The appearance of the app wasnt prioritized, mainly functionality. Also an admin login was implemented.

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PHP Employee Management V1

In this project the main task was to learn how to make a CRUD with MySQL and PHP. Also to implement jsGrid library for a dynamic table with ajax requests. The appearance of the app wasnt prioritized, mainly functionality. Also an admin login was implemented.

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PHP Local FileSystem Explorer

This was my first PHP project, mainly focused in templating with PHP and learning how to create, delete, rename and upload files and folders into a server. Figma was used in order to define de layout of the application.

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React Rick & Morty with API

In this project the main objective was to consume data from an API in our React app. Error and loading messages where needed. Everything was done using React class components.

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React TODO List

This was my first React app from scratch. The objective was to make a beautiful and easy-to-use todo list, saving in local storage the todos. This app uses states

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Instagram Clone with Sass

The purpose of this project was to learn the basics of SASS and put them into practice by building a visual replica of Instagram. Everything is static but thought to be scalable and reusable.

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Blog with API

To learn how to use APIs we used the JSON Placeholder service and made a quick blog with the basic CRUD operations. Here you can delete posts, edit posts, and see all comments

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JQuery Cheat Sheet

When learning jQuery we were proposed to do a cheat sheet for future use. It was my first individual project in a long time so I wanted to make something different. Test it!

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JS Calendar

This is a calendar made using only JavaScript and LocalStorage to save the events. I invite you to test it! It also reminds you when an event starts